Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Happy Fall

Here are "my" adopted chickens at the National 

Four Plymouth Rocks. 

They are molting, in case you can't tell from the plethora of 

No eggs for a while. 

This most unusual nest is displayed in the Hatchery building at the 
Ag Hall.  I have never, ever seen another like it.  Do you see the roost 
in front of each box?  All of the things on display in 
this building were originally donated by Stromberg's Hatchery. 

Sorry for the crooked picture, but there is a display of water founts, as well. 
I need to take a better picture.  

There is all kind of chicken equipment, many different kinds of brooders, etc. 
and for someone who loves chickens like I do, it's fascinating. 

I stopped to take a picture of the bluffs again yesterday.  Keith told me that 
kids have had to be rescued from underneath those rocks! 

It's a beautiful place, but scary. 

THAT is the south end of a quail.  As you see, the beans are just about ready to be harvested, and I was not paying attention and surprised two quail in the road. 

This guy was close by, too. 

It is just the most beautiful time of year to be out and about! 

Oh, and by the way... 



  1. It is a very beautiful time of year to be out! And all of your photos show so much joy in your world!
    Thank you for sharing with us,

  2. Our chickens are molting right now too. We sure miss the eggs! That nesting tower is something else.

  3. Mine are molting too. Neat stuff at the hatchery.

  4. I love that nesting area. I've never seen anything like it either. Someone was very creative. Amazing how quick you are with your camera to get a shot of the quail like that. The fall days are lovely and I'm trying to soak in all the sights.

  5. Chickens, how did you get up there? It's only fun til some buddy gets hurt
    Lily & Edward


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