Monday, March 7, 2016

How Does My Garden Grow?

Well, I planned to get some gardening done this week outside... 
empty some whiskey barrels, move them, and replant them 
with better dirt.  I bought some perennials at 
Grasspad... on sale for 2.00!  I checked to make sure they were 
coming up... I'll show you tomorrow, and each is going to
get a place in a barrel. 

We are expecting rain now, for multiple days. 

This is one of three mums I brought home at the end of the season from the National Agriculture Center and Hall of Fame .  I watered them during the fall, then stuck them in the garage up 
close to the skinny door windows during the winter.  I MIGHT have watered them 
3 times.  


One had even fallen over and the shoots were growing sideways. 

After trimming yesterday. 

They went downstairs to the basement, to be put by the big picture window. 

The sideways one was standing up straight today. 

This is a hanging plant that my son gave me last year. 
I had a petunia in it that grew all winter, and then 
died about two weeks ago.  It was actually outside. 
Do you see what's growing in it? 

3 little tomatoes! 

I guess I'm planting tomatoes again. 

 Look out.... 
sunflowers are coming up all over the birdseed.  It's just about time to clean all this up, 
but I will continue feeding for another month. 

These sweet little guys are in the spare bedroom window. 
I found those planters at a thrift store. 
I made sure I got plants that can go without a lot of water, because 
they have no drain holes.  So far, they are doing great. 

Jes just wants me to get off the computer and get back in the recliner! 


  1. It's so exciting to be thinking about spring! Just got my first whiskey barrel,and have to decide what to plant in it.

  2. Been planting today. Spring fever!

  3. Spring Fever is in full effect with herbs bouncing back outside and about a billion seeds growing under grow lights in my bathroom :-) Such an exciting time of year!

  4. Nice to see some signs of Spring and new growth there at your house. I have planters in the garage from last fall too. It's too early yet to bring them out here but it won't be long and we'll see what wintered over here.

  5. I've been doing some clean up outside. We are also suppose to get rain most of the week. So if it's pretty weather on Sunday, I will again be outside popping privets and volunteer shrubs out of the ground when it is soft. Amazing how fast a fence row can grow up.

  6. You have a green thumb our mom does not...we like it when mom spends lots of time in the recliner wif us. stella rose

  7. Love seeing those new sprouts with the hope of spring!

    Keep Calm & Bark On!

    Murphy & Stanley

  8. Your little plants are so pretty


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