Friday, September 20, 2019

Blogging Impediments

Honestly, there would be more posts if life would slow down. 

Also... I have a new charging cable for my phone, and all of the sudden, 
I cannot upload pictures to the computer.  Hmmmm. 

I will try to do a post from the last upload. 

Summer has hung on by its' fingernails here in Leavenworth County. 

My flower box on my deck is still going strong, but the laundry 
tubs full of zinnias faded.  The herbs set seed and faded, and I will not 
grow them in a planter on the porch again, they had NO wow effect. 
I have three of these big planters now, and I am going to fill them with flowers next year. 

A new little friend came into our lives, to fill the hole left by 
Lilly's passing in May. 

Fritzie is nine years old, and she has fit in perfectly here with Jester, 
me, and all the animals at Calamity Acres.  I keep a sharp eye on her, she is 
my watch dog, and she tells me when the raccoons are lurking.  She doesn't get to go out alone because of it. 

On the morning of my birthday, I rolled over in bed to see a Cooper's Hawk sitting 
right outside my window! 

We have had some spectacular sunsets. 

And of course, the beautiful Harvest Moon. 

Singleton the Rooster, attacked by a coyote in August, 
is thriving with his six ladies at the Ag Hall. 

They will be home for the winter on October 20th. 

The outside of a horse really IS good for the inside of a man, or two little girls, riding buddies. 

I am so proud of Paiton for sticking with her lessons for the last year and a half. 

It amazes me to see her go in the stall, throw the halter over the horse's head, lead it to the crossties, 
groom it, pick it's hooves out, and then run over to the lesson horse barn and get the saddle and bridle, 
and then put them on herself, which she could not do a year ago.  I'm so proud of how far she has come, and how far she wants to go. 

BFFs taking some sun together.  These two get along better than Lilly and Jester, 
because Lilly always reminded everyone she was the Boss. 

A tomato hornworm, parasitized by another bug (wasp?) 
it hung on all week on this plant, but is gone today. 

Naughty, naughty sheep on the side deck this afternoon, snarfing up spilled birdseed.  I have been 
letting the sheep graze in the yard every afternoon. 

(I just discovered I can post from the phone directly via the USB cable... ) 

This is a pot with chives in it.  I just read twenty minutes ago that chives will take 
over your garden if you let them.  You see what the root system did in this pot!

They cleaned up all the dead fall apples yesterday, I stopped and picked about twenty more for them. 

The cottonwoods on neighbor Troy's pond are dropping leaves like crazy, and I crackle as I mow now in the pasture.  Yes, we are still mowing around here on September 20, I don't remember the grass every growing this fast, this late. 

Now we expect rain all weekend, I am grateful I got the yard and pasture cut the last two days. 

Last week, my friend Judy from The National Agricultural Center, gifted me with a 
beautiful roast.  I cooked it all night til it fell apart, and I always keep vegetables in my freezer... I made a huge crock pot of vegetable soup for the shelter. (I also use Better Than Bouillon, and Lipton's Beefy Onion soup mix)

This past weekend, I  was gifted a sack of potatoes, and a bag of tomatoes, and 
I made Ina Garten's Garlicky Roasted Potatoes, and a BBQ Pasta Salad. 
I have done both before, both are really tasty. 

My dear brother Mike would have been 77 on the 18th. 

My dear Keith would have been 60 on the 10th, and stepson Brandon would have been 27, they shared a birthday. 

Son Jim turned 51, and my mother would have been 105!  

Fall baseball has begun!

You go, Jaxton Michael!


  1. So nice to see your fun summer. How time flies. It's still lawn mowing season for us too although I've been mulching up the leaves from the neighbors tree to. Leaves are falling. I keep the grass shorter this time of years so the leaves don't get caught up in the grass. If it''s short they'll blow away easier. Happy Fall.

  2. You live such a full life! You seem to make the most out of every day.

  3. Glad to see you posted Mary Ann. I'm sorry for your lost loved ones. It's hard not to miss them.
    Fritzi and Jester look great.

    The soup for the shelter looks good.

  4. I enjoy your photos/videos on here and instagram!

  5. Good to see you posted. Busy, busy lady


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