Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Big Calamity at Calamity Acres

I can't believe it. 

You know I try never to take the Lord's name in vain, 
but I came OH SO NEAR tonight. 

I just can't believe it. 

Several times over the past two weeks I have sent pictures to my 
lawn service for the farm, asking that they cut the weeds in two beds to the ground. 

One of these beds was the potato bed in the past, and I am not going to 
ever plant potatoes again.  My plan was to pull the borders out 
around these two beds over the winter, and plant grass to the fence. 

This is how we built these beds, using the "lasagna" method, 
taking the sod off... putting newspaper in layers down. 
Then good planting dirt and manure.... then a layer of straw. 
(We later went to mulch)
Expensive, and labor intensive. 

Here is the north bed, coming to life. 

This is the south bed, the summer we made it. 

The wood border is not on it, yet. 

You see that behind the fence, there is no bed yet.  We later made one there, 
but Keith was getting sick at that point, so it was never really planted.  THAT WAS THE BED 
I ASKED TO BE CUT.  That, and the corresponding bed on the other side of the arbor, on that side of the fence. 

The view as I got out of the car tonight.  I could see all the way to the henspa. 

All gone. 

Yes, I had to clean them all
 out, I had already started.  

I was going to dig them up, one by one.  Remake the beds. 
At least he left the buddleia, he also left TREES. 

In the corner, by the arbor, was a big patch of rudbeckia, still blooming. 

All my expensive iris.  

I am just so .... MAD. 

My plan was to dig it out little by little, and replenish the bed, pulling out the weeds. 

Now I am going to have trouble telling the weeds from the perennials. 

Can you see the sedum on the side, on the left?  I had a huge stand that was just getting ready to bloom.  The iris were butchered down to the ground. 

This was one of the two beds I am taking out, that WAS to have been cut. 

Good gosh. 

I couldn't have been any clearer, since I sent pictures.  The two beds on the SIDE OF THE HENHOUSE.  

Yes, I'm angry, but I'm also trying hard to see the good here. 

At least the big weeds are down, and I can start digging, if I ever get over this cold. 
I can't tell where the poison ivy is, so I am going to have to glove up and wear long sleeves. 

I messaged the owner of the company immediately, but he has not answered me. 

I'm sure he knows I'm upset.  I don't know how I can be with a high school kid in his last week of summer, who just wants to be done with it and go back to football, or whatever. 

I'm just so disappointed, and the cost of all this... we had several thousand (that's right) dollars invested in these beds. 

The guy has not come back yet to replace my water line, and it's a soupy mess.  (On top of everything else).  

As I was getting ready to leave, a lone coyote sounded from the bottom of the pasture.  

I was glad to have the Beacon of the Farm to light the way.  

I'm sure by morning I will have calmed down and see it in perspective.  

I feel like crying. 


  1. Oh Mary Ann, sometimes there's just no winning. I guess if they have taken to writing messages on people's bodies so the surgeons in hospitals don't cut on (or off!) the wrong part, it's not just a teenaged lawn care employee problem. (And wow, is it ever green there!)

  2. With such a long "To Do" list we don't doubt that you are angry and frustrated!!! They really messed up!!! However, in the grand scheme of things . . .

    Your Pals,

    Murphy and Stanley

    Pee Ess - mom says there are other HBO words that will work!

  3. Stupidity knows no bounds. I know you'll eventually find a way to deal with it all, but I probably would have gone ballistic were I in your shoes. So sorry they made such a mess of things.

  4. Hari Om
    Well that stinks and I understand your ire... but as you say, after a sleep and ponder you will realise that all that is gone is the leaves - the growing stock remains. The iris will be back as will the sedum and anything else you wish to retain. Maybe not this year, but back they will come. Start with the beds that were intended to be cleared. Haul it out and take out the frustration on them. Once, done, you can sort the chiff from the not-so-chaff in the remainder... there, words of advice even if you don't want them. Hope it hasn't added to the fire!!! YAM xx

  5. On the bright side, your Iris plants should come back as well as many of the perennials. It might be better to leave it as it is until Spring when you can actually see what comes back. I know what an investment those plants were. Try to take a deep breath. Hopefully you'll get that water line fixed soon too. First of all before anything you have to get well. Get some rest and feel better.

  6. Every time we have had dirt work done, I hate it. But, it get's better over the next few days and things do grow back. I pulled weeds yesterday. My hands are so sore today. Next time you get somebody to do something and you are not there........that a can of spray paint and mark it with a big ol "X". Then there is no excuse for them to mess up.

    Take care, hope all of this is over soon and you can get on out to the farm.

  7. so sorry to hear this maryann. it is so hard to get work done right anymore. i stand right by and watch my workers these days. they only half listen to what you tell them at best. it's so frustrating!

  8. Oh gosh what a mess he left for you. He is probably afraid to pick up the phone. I am so sorry that happened, thankfully they are perennials and you know they will come back bigger and better. If you think about it it is a good analogy of everything you have went through in the past year. Better and stronger. deb

  9. I'm so sorry. Sometimes it seems like everything goes wrong. Hopefully, they will find a way to help right their mistake.

  10. It simply boggles the mind, Mary Ann. I feel sick for you, for the waste of it all. I'm so sorry.

  11. That's TERRIBLE -- you must feel sick!!!! So many workers pay no attention to instructions. So irritating! But thank goodness perennials grow back!!! Here's my recco even though you didn'the ask for it. First, don'the pay the guy. No matter what he says, don'the pay him. 2nd, buy some Mushroom Stuff and spray it heavily on those beds. You have to water it in with at least 1/4 inch of water within 24 hours. So do it on Friday and maybe you'll get rain on Saturday and not have to water further. The Mushroom Stuff will stimulate the perennials and you should get a jump start on their re-growth. Then fertilize them 1 weeknow after. I would normally say fertilize in 2 weeks, but you want the perennials to recover from the cutting shock before frost, and that's only about 10 weeks away.

  12. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Our pooch likes ice cream, too, but we also discovered that she likes Coke. We don't give her much or do it often, though. I'm sure if it's bad for us, it's even worse for her.


  13. Where are you Mary Ann? I am waiting to see how your house is coming along and wondering if you are OK. Nannie

  14. Please post soon, MaryAnn. WE are all worried and waiting....

  15. Stupidity knows no bounds. I know you'll eventually find a way to deal with it all, but I probably would have gone ballistic were I in your shoes. So sorry they made such a mess of things.



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