Sunday, February 21, 2016

A Beautiful Sunday

The new ride. 

It's a 2014 Dodge Grand Caravan.  The only thing Keith 
did not get on his wish list was a vehicle with 
Onstar (GM).  My HHR has it, and I feel safe with it. 

We took Dave Ramsey's advice and did not buy new again. 

This is going to be a great vehicle for Keith and I 
might get to drive it a little, too! 

I left this in the fridge too long... it amazes me, though it was starting to get fuzzy, 
it was also trying to GROW. 

I should have planted it to see what happened. 

You know what?  I might dig it out of the trash and try it. 

Trying again to pick my settings.  I love seeing mallards come down and rest on the ponds. 

I saw these girls a few minutes later. 

I saw these guys away out in a field in between the deer and the pond. 

And despite last week's terrible winds, some have started to burn off pastures.  This is a winery... and someone did a good job of keeping the flames from jumping across the road. 

I saw this red bellied woodpecker out in our feeding area.  Now that the weather is nicer, we are 
not seeing as many birds. 

He was patiently waiting for these guys: 

I looked down at the feeding area and noticed this on the patio.  I had the back door cracked, so she can come and go. 

Pretty soon, I looked out again... 

She has some furry paws, doesn't she? 

She was waiting in vain for the cotton rats. 

No walking today. 

Playing around again tonight.  I have so much to learn.  Look at the buds, though! 

The moon looks better with something to frame it. 

It's pretty awesome any way you look at it! 


  1. The moon pictures with the buds forming is really striking. I never tire of looking at the moon, always amazing!

  2. Nice car! I know he is going to enjoy it.

    I saw eyes all over the place this morning on the way to work. Lots of deer peeking out of my neighbor's yard and from the woods.

    Good pictures Mary Ann. You'll be a pro in no time.

  3. LOVE the woodpecker.

    New cars are so overrated and over priced. The value drops as soon as you drive off the lot.

    Have a blessed day.

  4. She does have some cool furry little paws....nice drive.
    stella rose

  5. Cutie do you have your paws crossed.
    Lily & Edward

  6. That photo with the moon and the buds is beautiful.


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