Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Out of the Dungeon, and More

Well, it's a good day to be a duck.

We're up to 24 degrees Fahrenheit, and I let the ducks loose.  Yes, we're plunging overnight... but they can tough it out. 

They couldn't take another minute inside, and neither could the chickens, their roommates. 

They were happy, happy, happy to be out. 

I was carrying water again. 

Caught while looking for mice! 

And speaking of mice...

These are what mice are doing to our bathroom ceiling.  They always come in in the winter... but this is the first time we have had a ceiling infestation.  

See the hole on the far left?  I have asked Keith for four days now to keep the toilet lid closed. 
Sure enough, last night, I found a baby mouse dead on the floor next to the toilet. 

Today... I came home from the dentist... to find this: 

I made a nest of paper and put it in a box, but it is dying.  It's going out to the hens in a few minutes.  Do you see why I don't want to sit there and be rained upon? 

I have sealed all the holes with duct tape.  I was going to put paper inside each piece so the mice would not stick... but I was scared on the ladder, so just taped each hole shut.  Yes, they will chew through some. 
I used white tape so you could not notice it very much. 

I got batteries for the Wildgame cam last night, and put it on the deck today.  Cold days are good days to catch the wildings, because they come for the water. 

Oh, boy, did they... folks... spring is on it's way! 

Am I dreaming, or is this a ROBIN on January 28???


Male and female bluebirds

The other sure harbinger of spring for us... Red Winged Blackbird, the first I've seen so early in the year! 

My gosh! 

One of our many, many cardinals. 


Bluebirds and a Robin

A Blue Jay 

And, keeping with the blue theme: 

A Kafee Klatsch of Bluebirds around the water cooler! 

The secret... warm water, and keeping it full! 

What wonderful creatures we get to see out here! 

Hope you enjoyed the pictures! 


  1. I love all your birds! We have many of the same here -- but haven't seen any cardinals.

  2. We never get the bluebirds how beautiful
    Stella rose

  3. I'm not much of a photographer so I loved your bird pictures. We haven't seen any blue birds since fall and I haven't seen a robin in our yard yet. The other birds are about to eat of us out house and home though and they seem to appreciate having water.

  4. Mary Ann

    Oh boy, mice love getting into homes at winter time. Do you have a neighbor who can get up on a ladder and get this little boogers for you? If I was close by, I would help you.

    I love all the birds, I'm afraid to put warm water out in my bird bath because I believe it will crack with the cold temperatures and the ceramic. I will however place a rubber bucket out there with some bread for the wild birds.

  5. I love all the birds that come to visit you! But oh no- the mice!

  6. Hello my name is Francesca and I'm Italian. I found your blog by chance and I loved it. I have joined your followers. If you go too foul. Thank you. Francesca.

  7. A robin and a red-wing black bird is a sure sign of spring. Those birds must know something we don't. I have heard it said that red-wing black bird is a truer sign than even the robin. It's 1 degree here this morning and going up to about 12. We'll get mid 30's by the weekend but also more snow. Loved the bird pictures today!

  8. Wow! I am impressed with your visitors. Do you have a cat that you could put in the attic?

  9. no signs of any birds here. they would be frozen!

  10. Oh Mary Ann, I love seeing the bird pictures, thank you for sharing them. You get such beautiful birds in your part of the world, my favourites would have to be the bluebirds and cardinals!

  11. WOW!! What a neat assortment of birds!! A double WOW for the Red winged black bird and the blue birds!!

  12. Fun bird pictures, lots of pretty colors.

    Yuck, mice. Good luck getting rid of them.

    M : )

  13. I certainly hope spring is coming soon!

  14. During our snow and sleet, I put out some food for the wild birds on the porch. We had a huge number of cardinals.


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