Friday, I showed you two very bad pictures of the newly-contoured land around the Big Ditch, an
ongoing project of the Corps of Engineers.
Here is a better picture. You can see an herbicide has been spread for some reason.
Maybe they are going to drain the Ditch.
The white pipes are markers where little trees were planted.
You can see the contouring being done to the east of the ditch. That's the creek line on the right.
A group of boy scouts worked on the fire pit at the Ag Hall yesterday as
an Eagle scout project.
They made a beautiful pit.
All of the sudden, we have gone from mid-summer Fourth of July to amost-fall... and the roadsides are reflecting that.
Now that Keith is no longer on peritoneal dialysis daily at home, I am
having to dispose of his unused supplies, many boxes of dialysis fluid (that
I could not place as a donation). I am making trips to the dump, about ten
minutes from our house... and there is a big pit-pond there. These geese
were sparring on it yesterday, and I stopped to watch them for a while.
They finally settled down.
I got a good picture of two scissortail flycathers today in Wyandotte County, as I took my son home this afternoon. I always love to see them.
I suspect the bird on the left is a juvenile.
We are about to go back into the furnace this week!