Monday, September 21, 2015

Oh, The Weekend

The huge kettle of vultures I saw on Thursday was gone by Friday. 

There are still some stragglers, and Saturday night, I saw about 20 more birds forming up a big group.  Not nearly as many as the nights before.  

My guess is that that small valley has good thermals for them to gather and start out. 

... I saw two this morning as we went out. 

I went a little longer way home the other evening, and came around the corner and saw this.  For a second, I thought he had stopped know what....

but it was for THIS!

The girls are adjusting to the smaller yard of the henspa.  The one on the left was 
attacked by something in the old hen yard, and lost most of her tail.  I found the pile of feathers, and I am guessing a hawk, since it happened during the day. 

Silver is still there... she was going to come home here with me, but we 
have decided against it.  She's a beautiful girl who lays a wonderful big egg daily. 

Does anyone know... is this corn which has reverted from it's hybrid state?  It is along the edge of a bean field, and I am sure that field will be in corn again next year.  This looks like corn, minus any ears, and it's beautiful in the evening light. 

I know my uncle grew broom corn for several years when I was little. 

Here comes our girl, laden with stick-tites!  

This one never gets into them!  How does he DO that?  

I spooked our heron friend yesterday. 

He crossed the ever-shrinking pond. 

But he threw on the brakes pretty quickly. 

And settled down. 

I love seeing him almost daily. 

Can you see the hawk?  He surprised me, and I had to raise the camera fast and shoot out the window.  He was a beauty, and now I know where he is hanging out. 

Corn harvest has started, so I'm looking out for the big trucks!


  1. Your pictures are always so amazing.

  2. I'm guessing that plant that looks like corn is actually Shatter Cane...a weed that is a real nuisance! It looks a lot like corn, and you often see it along the edge of the fields.

    1. I typed too quickly and forgot to ask what that was in the sky that the guy is looking at?

  3. I've been out sick, Mary Ann so am just now trying to catch up. You must have gotten the chickens moved to the new house? I'll have to read back and find out.

    One of our 3 hens stumbled a few weeks ago coming down the ramp to the chicken coop when my husband opened their door one morning and she has slowly gotten worse and worse, now hardly walking at all. R.H. carries her about the yard, cradling her in his arms and talking to her and putting her down in different places, feeding and watering her separately from the other 2. He knows what is inevitable. She is not going to recover and when cold weather comes and she's not able to move around we have to do something. He won't be able to and I can't so we will have to talk to our farm lady down the street where we got them. See if she will do it for us. I never thought that chickens could be pets but these are.

    What have you done over the years when one was hurt and this needed to be done?


  4. It looks like corn Mary Ann...
    What was that weird looking thing in the sky?

  5. oh how I wish I was closer.....I'd give her a good home :)

    hahaha, that man does look like he's in the "position". Funny.

  6. You are blessed with so many amazing sights each day. Those big harvesting vehicles/ slash machinery are out on the country roads here. Be careful.

  7. Photos and story of an amazing fall weekend! Stick-tites. Now I know what to call them. Lol

  8. Looks like everyone is getting ready for the season to change.

    M :)

  9. Looks like a well rounded out weekend!!

    I am sooooooooo glad you will be coming to the Blogville Retreat next summer!!!
    Mama Beth, Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo

  10. Wonderful photos! We just heard you are confirmed for the BAR next June so we'll look forward to meeting you in the furs!

    Your Pals,

    Murphy & Stanley


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