Wednesday, November 26, 2014

A Blustery, Cold Day!

We live in the best-maintained county in this entire Kansas City metro area.  They do not wait until there is a crisis... they keep the roads in good shape.  

I had only to call once at the old house to get our road in front of our place graded out when potholes developed over the winter. 

I run into the road crew regularly. 

Here he comes, ninety miles an hour up the pasture! 

He always does everything fast! 

The possum from yesterday lived. 
I'm so glad. 

The cold was not bothering this one... and she had a brown nose.

(If you can read her look correctly, she did NOT want to get up and come home.  She did, though. )  

She could hear them but for once, couldn't find them. 

She's getting old. 

I had to convince her it was time to go home, because Jester and I were freezing in the 

I had to run to Walmart early this morning... not necessarily Walmart but we 
feed Lilly a particular kind of food we buy there, so I went ahead to get the rest of the things on my list for the holiday dinner. 

The computers at Walmart had gone offline.  The only two working for a while were in the 
electronics department, and people were in line checking out their huge shopping baskets there. 

By the time I traversed the store ten times for my 20 things I needed... I got to the front and there were NO lines and I passed right through, the computers had come back up. 
A miracle. 

However... I shudder to think of what would happen tomorrow evening after 6 PM
or on Friday if the computers go down. 

Makes me shiver! 

These two always make me smile when I get home and see them. 

And... they are always glad to see Keith and Me. 


  1. I don't intend to be in ANY store this weekend if I can help it. Dogs truly ARE man's best friend.

  2. Stay cozy and Happy Thanksgiving! from Arizona.

  3. Of course they are happy too see you both when you come home.. And especially- knowing you had food for her!
    Wonderful action shots of Jester running!

  4. I'd love to have the energy those dogs do. Glad you got to get a run in the pasture. I'm such a wimp I would have stayed home. Sending you and yours wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving !

  5. I shopped a couple of times after work before T day and managed to get everything I needed. We did go to Walmart early Saturday morning to get essentials, etc. Was not too bad.

    Cute video of them.


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