Monday, August 26, 2013

The Box Came The Box Came

Last week, we won a prize. 
It was a drawing that Stella Rose Long had for Benny the French Bulldog, 
who is battling Cancer. 


It was very well packed! 

It is 96 degrees out here today, and everything in the box was FINE. 

It was much, much more than we can remember Stella putting in there! 

There was a beautiful bandanna for Lilly to wear. 

There were 3 fudges, for Mommy and Daddy to eat. 

There was beautiful pottery. 

There was some smell-good soap and lip balm. 

There is a tiny pig magnet that we love! 

There was lavender and a catnip bag, made by an Iowegian lady.  

There was JELLY that Dad will love. 

And lots of things to tell about Iowa, the part where Dad didn't come from. 

There was also a beautiful ornament to put on our tree at Christmas to reminds us that we have friends in Keosaqua. 

We want to thank Stella, Maggie and Gussie, and their mom, Deb, for 
the wonderful box! 

And one more thing is even coming sometime in the next few weeks, we just can't believe our 
luck blessings! 


I love comments!