Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday's Child Has Far to Go

It seems like gardening is consuming lots of time these days, as I am sure it is for everyone. 

(Oh my gosh, this picture loaded in ONE MINUTE!) 

As you can see, I was getting help in this end of the perennial beds. 

I have to say I'm stunned that some of the perennials I planted late in summer last year, and then watered constantly... have come back up.  I honestly didn't think they had a chance.  I hope I haven't pruned the buddleia behind Abby to death. 

The hydrangea north of it is shot, I'm afraid. 

Here is the finished "mended" end of the bed.  I'm working my way north in this one.  I'll mulch soon, I'm giving the tiny living perennials a chance to get up before I lay the mulch down. 
The bed behind it has not been planted yet, or used, even.  We need to get all that grass out of there, and then lasagna it one more time.  We hope to put blackberries and raspberries in there. 

I did use this in this bed... I have not used it since the old Calamity Acres: 

That is cotton compost... it's cottonseed hulls.  It's very fluffy. 

Our feed mill uses it in steer feed, just so you know. 

If you biggify this, you'll see I spread it on "Keith's" potato bed, too.  
This is the bed where he has grown potatos for three years, and was originally made in the lasagna method.  I found that under the surface, it was a very loose soiled well composted bed.  I added cottonseed hulls and straw, and am covering it with dirt.  I have the potatoes down already here. 

My poor little assistant was getting very tired. 
I was trundling the bags of top soil from the truck you see in the upper left of this picture, across the yard to the bed.  I am sore and tired, and Abs finally pooped out.  She's in the house now, behind me, and is going to stay here for a while. 

Across the way, someone was burning off a field. 

While closer to home, the girls were having the morning kafe klatsch in the new henyard. 

I have not seen the ducks in the pool yet, but I'm sure it will be coming, once they settle in. 

Do you ever do this?  I intend for this yard to be a deep bedding system, and to pull composted straw and hay off it in the fall.  I have been adding straw and hay for the last few days, and I lay it out in partially opened flakes... the girls LOVE to tear into them, and spread it around.  It keeps them busy and employed. 
A busy chicken is a very happy chicken! 
I have put an equal amount into the old chicken yard for the hens there, too, and they were busy working this morning, as well. 

 And lastly, because we seem to be back to normal on loading pictures... some of the seedlings going bonkers here: 

Yesterday I transplanted the tomato "Gypsy" from Baker Creek, on the left.  Today, I'm going to work on "Abu Rawan", also from Baker Creek.  That's Super Sauce on the right, they are not ready for prime time yet. 

One year at the old place, I had 36 producing tomato plants, because I wanted to compare heirlooms and hybrids, and deciduous versus non-deciduous.  I must have taken 30 sacks full of tomatos to my mom's senior citizen building that summer... I wonder if we'll have a big haul this year?  
I hope we have a good harvest, to share and to can... what a blessing that would be! 

And that's it from Calamity Acres, where tonight the gardeners are going to sleep VERY soundly! 


  1. I love sharing fruit and veggies too! Looks like you'll have a bunch of tomatoes this year.

  2. I wish we lived closer to you so you could share with us, cos we don't grow veg very good just some simple puts growing veg under the same umbrella as cooking and sewing. I bet your yard is just beautiful when everything is bloomed out. We do have two butterfly bushes last year that stood over 10 feet tall, we called them bigfoot bushes, we wonder if they will come back!
    stella rose and mags

  3. Hey Mary Ann,

    Everything looks great! I just discovered blooms on my German Cherry tomatoes, fertilizing them this weekend!

  4. I'm so glad gardening time is coming back around. We've got a ways to go here but I sure enjoy seeing you being able to get to work :) And with such a great helper! I just love your chicken yard, those gals are sure living the life.

  5. The seedlings are huge!
    Don't worry about the buddleia - in our harsh climate, ours dies to the ground every year, and comes back strong with beautiful blooms every summer.

  6. I get tired just reading about all you have done. Gardening is a lot of work, but you seem to enjoy it so that isn't a bad thing. Glad you are having nice weather. Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

  7. Loved the quick peek around today - wish I had time for all that you are doing! Looks fab. And can I just say yum!!!!! A good tomato sounds wonderful right now!!!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  8. I love hearing about life on a farm. From chickens to homegrown tomatoes. I miss the country.
    As a child, we sat out with a salt shaker and ate all the warm tomatoes we could. I miss the smell of country air and the sounds of early morning. Thanks for taking me back there today.

  9. I love seeing all that's going on at the farm and all the spring activity now. You are sounding much chirpier too, Mary Ann. So glad you're feeling better. And Abby, as always, right there with you, your little shadow. All those tomatoes sound so good after a long winter of eating the grocery store selection. I can't wait to have a tomato and mayo sandwich on good bread! Do you like those too?

  10. Oh yeah, I always let the chickens spread the straw out themselves, big stuff if you're a chicken! Your seedlings are looking great! :)


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