Sunday, December 16, 2012

Third Sunday of Advent

Gaudete.... Rejoice!  Not just "Rejoice" but an exhortation to rejoice!
Despite the terrible loss on Friday, and the ensuing sadness, we had so many reasons to be grateful this weekend.

Andrea, Brynn and Nick, the Lamb Family
Great-grandma Trudy, Brynn and Nick
This little girl joins Jace as Keith's first grandkids, and she is such a welcome addition.
Meanwhile, on the home front... there was a Miracle
The very Chatterbox, the bird I thought had been taken by the owl! 
We have NO idea where she is hanging out daily, as we do not see her anywhere, and we have found no green eggs for at least two weeks.
Yep, this is a mess.  Two of them have been fighting.  A lot.

Here is the other combatant. 
He must have been on the losing end, as he was the last bird to go in tonight.
Keith is going to have to do the dirty deed this week, we expect. 
You know I love my roosters, but frankly, we have WAY too many.  Little by little, I have been reducing numbers in the little red henhouse.  Right now there are the roosters from this year's hatch... 3 porcelains, 1 purebred mille fleur who is a VERY good bird, and these two mixes.  There is also Fluffernut, the last little hen in there... and the three non-producing Welsummers and one Wyandotte.  However, I did find two larger eggs in there today, so someone has started laying again.
Fluffer is moving to the henspa as soon as I can catch her, and she is like Quicksilver.
We are beat tonight, but had such a lovely weekend.  I'll take Monday "off" and get some rest, and then start baking again for Round Two, my side of the family.  Friday I'll run down to get Nathan, and when I take him back on Sunday, I'll take the goodies and gifts for our family in Garnett.
Here we are last night at the Chestnut Fine Arts Theater in Olathe, Kansas... we took Keith's mom and dad to see "The Cardigans" and boy, did we ever enjoy the performance!
I just read back over this post, and it is humble-jumble.... sometimes life is like that!
I'm going to go read some of your blogs, I am enjoying all your stories so much!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful time to rejoice in your family.

    Enjoy the flurry that is the holidays.

  2. Congratulations on the new baby!! Lovely - as is the Mom!! Couldn't tell she just had a baby!! The roosters really got the best of each other! OUCH!! Sounds like you're going to fix that problem!!

  3. Yea! A new baby always brings excitement to the world.

    Sounds like you need some rest.

    Take care.

    M :)

  4. Its good to have a miracle happen when so much sadness is happening around us. What a beautiful baby.
    I love all your photos so much--- the chickys are so beautiful

  5. Humble-jumble posts are the best. Congratulations on the new granddaughter. And on finding Chatterbox. Have a good Monday baking!

  6. Congratulations on the new baby! How precious she is!
    When I first saw the first rooster, Oh dear came out of my mouth. Looks like they've really been going at it.
    Great photo of the two of you! Get rested up and have a good week.

  7. Congratulations on the new addition to the family!! :)
    My parents were from Miami county, Kansas. My dad from Louisburg and my mom from Paola. I still have relatives on my dad's side in the Louisburg area.

  8. Congrats on the new addition to the family!!!!

    I was in a mosaic frenzy this weekend. Actually got 3 pieces down. Now just need to grout tonight. They should be dry enough today or tomorrow.

  9. The new babe is so adorable. Sounds like a very busy time but lots of fun :) I think taking today off is a good idea to recharge the batteries! So glad you enjoyed your show!

  10. A new baby is just what was needed to show hope and love still abounds around us. Congrats on the little girl!!
    stella rose

  11. Not humble-jumble - full of LIFE! ;-)

  12. Thank you for sharing all these blessings. In times of national tragedy, we need to not forget these things.

  13. Always nice to see a photo of the person I am reading about.


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