Tuesday, January 26, 2016

I Missed the Blog Hop

Yesterday, there was a big blog hop in Doggy blogland, and I missed it! 

To all the wonderful bloggers who left comments on our blog, 
thank you! 

I hope I joined all your blogs! 

I have not talked about it yet, but 
I am going to the Blogville Awesome Retreat at 
Brown County State Park, Indiana, 
in early June. 

My good friend Deb (The Three Little Pugs
is going with me, along with (I think) 
Angus McConnell Long, 
her male pug.  

This should be fun! 

This is the BAR website if any of you are interested, 
it is not necessary to bring your dog. 

I have not made a decision if Jester will be going. 
You see, if for some reason I lost him, I would be heartbroken. 

The sun came back today for a while. 

We walked a full mile at the park, and all the snow and slush from yesterday was gone. 

So much more fun to take pictures with SUN! 

Some were hard to see. 

You can see we were all lapping up the sun.

I guess I'd better wash that door! 

We are having temps in the forties and fifties for 
the next three days. 

However, Lilly goes to see Dr. Tom in the morning at 
10:45, and I am hoping we find out what is causing the problem of the leg dragging.  

When Ranger was her age, he tore an ACL.  The operation was 
hard and expensive, and because of his age, we opted not to do it, 
and maintained him on meds until his death.   I don't know if I 
would put Lil through a complicated procedure, we will have to see. 
IF that's what it is. 

I'll let you all know when we return. 


  1. Beautiful skies! I hope you have a good appointment with Lilly tomorrow. It's hard to see our pets hurting!

  2. The hop is all week, so you are on time! Wishing you the best at the vet tomorrow.

  3. Can't wait to meet you at BAR!! I'm lucky that Dory travels real well, so she will be there.

  4. You and Lilly will be on my mind and in my heart.

  5. Both Sedona and Kersey have had torn ACLs. We manage it with pain MedStar - opted to skip the surgery as well. With Sedona, we didn't see how we could keep her quiet for the recovery period. Kersey we manage with meds. A vet told me that large female dogs are prone to it -- don't know if that's true but it certainly seems so with our girls.

  6. It is always something Mary Ann. Last night I'm feeding cats and see a huge tumor like thing on the back leg of one of the females. 1st time ever seeing it. Will be taking her to the vet tomorrow.

    I don't blame you if you don't take Jester. Sometimes traveling with our canine friends is hard on us and too much excitement for them.

    Glad you got some sunshine. Good luck at the Vet.

  7. Be sure and let us know how the appt. goes, the blog is all this week so you didn't miss it, you could do like my mom did and sign on the wrong blog hop.......blush blush....I fink mom is taking me and not my naughty brudder. stella rose

  8. wE hope that LILLY gets Good news at the Dogtor...
    OMD can't WAIT to meet you at BAR !!

  9. Thanks for dropping by! We will drop by again :)

    the critters in the cottage xo


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