Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Cleaned Out and Finished

I cleaned out the henspa yesterday. 

Can you see my little watchers?  There are two of them. 

I raked, shoveled, and swept the bedding into the henyard.  I normally would have trucked it over to the 
compost heap... but not now. 

The flooring in this building is lined with stall mats.  I had to scrape it.  It was ....not fun. 

This little guy kept me company for over two hours. 

So did this big girl.  

Then I went across to the old henhouse.... and scraped up the mess from keeping the ducks in 
for three weeks this winter.  As you can see, it was composting already... dry on top, wet on the bottom. 

And this DID get carted across the yard, load after load, to build more compost. 

While three of the four birds left went out into the jungle that has become the little henyard to get some sun. 
We have had clouds for five days... with just a few short hours of sun yesterday. 

I found them in the pen I used for juveniles the past two years.  Roosters One and Two, little Black Tail the hen... Rooster Three was up in the rafters watching me clean. 

The iris shows blooms on. 

Isn't Spring wondrous? 

And now, my friends... I want to thank all of you who have commented on this blog this last few years... all of you who have read it regularly... and those of you who have given me so much advice, especially last year with the baby goats... Donna, Alica, The JR, Michelle, and Michaele... Teresa, and last but not least... Georgie and Deb, who always are there for me.  These are not the only ones who have helped me so much, but all of you... I have learned so much from your blogs and your advice, and I appreciated it so much. 

I am going to take a hiatus for a while... I am still moving things from old to new, and 
am very tired.  It has become too hard to try to keep up with everything, so I am 
just going to get done what I can.  

I'll read your blogs as I can, and I ask for your patience with me. 

Thanks to everyone so much!  


  1. take care of yourself mary ann! that is a lot of work! did you take some of the birds to the parking lots last weekend? when do you move the ones to your new place?

  2. I've been thinking of taking a break for a while too. Need to concentrate on finishing the house......projects......yard.......and stuff.

    Take care, you know we are thinking about you.

  3. Take your needed break, we will be waiting for you to come back. Friends understand.
    stella rose's momma

  4. Good luck and keep in touch.

    M : )

  5. Sweet Mary Ann,,
    All of our hearts are right there with you- We understand what your going through,
    Somethings are a priority- like getting your home in order , and taking some needed rest.
    There is a time for everything Mary Ann,,, the time for you to take care of stuff is now....
    We wait right here with you,, And know if we were close- we would be there helping you.
    But since we cannot- know we understand,,, and its all okay.... No need to feel bad.
    We are proud of you taking the courage to knew it was time to slow down- for just a bit on the blog.
    After all- you have lots to do.
    sending love
    tweedles and moms

  6. I am glad things are coming together, but do take care of yourself. Your gardens look wonderful, thank God it's Spring.

  7. You have been working so hard, Mary Ann, and deserve a much needed break! I will be thinking of you, and will be glad to "see" you again when you're ready! Indeed...spring is wondrous! Look at all that green grass and those gorgeous iris beds! Enjoy settling in! :)

  8. Nicely done mate. I agree most of what was written right here & this would certainly make myself wanna return to your blog! Bookmarked!..Cccam Server

  9. I know you have a terribly lot of work to do there and it's been hard work too. This has been a lovely spring and the blossoms on every thing seem so much brighter and welcome more than ever before due to the long hard winter. Hopefully you'll soon be done there and get take a break from the work.

  10. Enjoy your summer, ball games, and relaxing in your new home. Will sure miss your writing, but you deserve a break. Keep in touch.

  11. Really nice photos Mary Ann. And I feel for you and all that cleaning. I have done plenty of that myself. Feels good when it is done - and for you knowing you won't ever have to do it again : ) Happy baseball season!

  12. Enjoy a very well deserved rest Mary Ann! Thanks for sharing your wonderful adventures and family with us :-)

  13. Mary Ann,
    You are one tough bird! As you can see everyone loves ya and waits with baited breath for your return.
    You are allowed to take a break! Giving yourself permission is sometimes difficult when you see how much needs to be attended to.....but getting exhausted is not good for you. Sleep/Rest is essential to good hope you are getting lots!
    Look forward to your return.....

  14. I was just wondering how you managed to have the energy to keep up with everything and blog and stay sane. I certainly understand the need to scale back while you are so busy. Thinking of you, and I hope you decided to come back to blogging when things settle down.

  15. Oh, Mary Ann...
    you have had a lot on your plate, it's true. I hope you truly enjoy your break, re-charge, and rest.
    You have been a bright spot in blogging for me, and I look forward to your new posts..... when you are ready of course.

    Smiles :)

  16. I read your blog but haven't posted much ... just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you and hope all is well!

    Love, Ellen and the Fab Five
    Zoe, Peyton, Webster, Liberty & Whitney


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