Thursday, March 24, 2011

More Garden Pictures

Last night, Keith worked far into the dark to cut up some cattle panels for the gardens beds he planted ten days ago. 

Here is the result of that work:

Yes, our garden is still a mess... paper, which you see sticking out, will be the bottom layer of the beds, and cover the paths, which we will then cover with mulch.  We are trying to go as weed-free as possible. All this will be cleaned up in time.
Here is another angle:

Once the peas are done, these beds will be used for cucumbers and other climbers (beans).  Keith did a super job on the beds and the supports.
Here is something else from the garden right now:

I'm very glad to see these smiling flowers!  Unfortunately, Mother Nature is about to do it to us again... we are expecting rain, and some snow here in Tongie over the next few days.  Daffodils aren't the only things up... the crocus is, and all the tulips have pushed up, though we are a bit away from blooming.  The iris are up, and many of the other perennials.  Rock cress is blooming!
I'm going to keep track with pictures this year for our garden records. 
Don't forget to join Amy and Ritchie at Verde Farm for Farm Friend Friday tomorrow!


  1. I really like what he did. Very sturdy and very nice looking!

  2. Those are great, Mary Ann! Keith did a super job!

  3. Looks like you will have good produce this year. Love the flowers too. LOL Mary G.

  4. Those beds are going to be great.

  5. those look great,sturdy enough to even go melons on.

  6. Those daffodils are just wonderful! My favorites. The garden is looking great. I can just imagine it with vines all over the panels.


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