Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday Already

There is one thing to be said for being sick on a holiday... the time moves quickly.  It's Wednesday evening already, I could not sit up long enough to sit at the computer last night. 

Here are some pictures from around the place today:

Kaffee Klatsch

They are NOT setting!  I have had to climb in there, sick or not, twice in the last three days, to pull the eggs from under them. They were NOT happy.

The Molt continues - feathers, like snow, on the ground.

Sunflowers growing wild on the barn pad.

"The Treat Bucket's Coming!  The Treat Bucket's Coming!"

The steeley eye of Farmdog Abby watching Reddy this evening.

I went back to work today, but my throat is raw again and I can't turn my head again.  I guess it may have been too soon.


  1. Love the sunflowers! MaryAnn you will have to come next year to CITR retreat-it was so fun!! And there were several people who came from your way-some from Colorado drove thru Kansas-we will have to work on "car pooling" and one girl came from Washington state-but she flew!! It was so enjoyable!!~~Rain


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