Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Rest of the Story

We took the hawk to Operation Wildlife this morning before going to church, and were satisfied there that the ladies who received it would take good care of it, and keep it away from our birds. 

Operation Wildlife was founded in 1989 to provide rehabilitation and veterinary services for injured and orphaned wild animals, and wildlife education for the citizens of Northeast Kansas and Northwest Missouri.  (from their brochure).

Their facility is "dedicated to returning healthy, untamed animals to the wild."  Their main facility is about ten miles from our house, and that's where we took the injured raptor this morning.

You can't see them, but there are a variety of outside sturdy pens and a huge flight cage which I was not allowed to photograph.  In it were three HUGE raptors, I don't even want to think about them being near our henyards.

The lady who received our bird thought he might be a juvenile red-shouldered hawk, but in looking at pictures on the internet, it does not seem so to me.  I think he was a Coopers, but I am going to call tomorrow and see if one of the vets has assessed him.

She reached right down with those super gloves and lifted him out of the crate we brought him in.

It had a big, strong beak, all the better to eat my tender little chickens!
This photo looks strange because it was very dark, and I had to artificially lighten it, hence the odd color.  I just wanted to include it so you could see the wingspan on this bird! 
Keith hurried to get me home after we had looked at the outside flight pen (and he had gotten ideas from it), since I needed to get to church at 10:30.  Guess what we saw when we pulled into the drive?  A BIG HAWK IN A TREE BY SPEHAR'S POND.

I swear.


  1. What a story Mary Ann. Anyone who has had hawks get their chickens can appreciate what you went through. How fortunate to remove it like that. May your days ahead be hawk free!

  2. My, that is some large bird to have to take to the sanctuary.

  3. My goodness. You have an up-hill battle, so it seems.
    I'm happy that there is a rescue for that hawk.

    Years ago, I saw an episode of 'dirty jobs', and it was at a bird sanctuary.
    They cris-crossed twine above the bird pens to keep the preditory birds out.
    We tried it on our chicken pen, and it worked like a charm.
    Those big hawks and eagles cannot get their wings through the twine, due to it being too close together.

    Maybe this tip will be of some use to you and for your situation.

  4. Goodness, what a big scary bird. The talons were huge. Poor little chickies were probably scared to death.

  5. Goodness gracious, look at those wings! I think Kerin had a good idea with the twine. Good luck!

  6. He's a big one. Glad he's going to get some help.


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