Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rejoice Sunday!

Rejoice Always.
Pray without ceasing.
Give Thanks in all circumstances.

These were the lessons today from the Gospel for the third Sunday of Advent,
Gaudete (Rejoice!) Sunday. 
I think they are good things to keep in mind, not just for the Christmas season, but all year long.

We rejoice for scenes like this:

Our llamas and the calves next door have been fence buddies since the calves came here.  (Except for that one little black calf wayyyyy out there in the distance).  Tony and the hereford calf on the right are good buddies, and started this fence visit.

We give thanks for this 12 year old kid too, and his two little buddies, who bring such joy to our lives. 

And for this little girl, who asks so little of us now, just food, and some water, and a warm, safe place to sleep.

And for the strong arms and back of this one, who fetched and carried and cleaned for us over the weekend.

And we're thankful for THESE.... only, I have to make two more batches as some went home with Nathan, we've eaten some, given away some.... and now we need to make another batch for our Christmas party.  They're GOOD!

I hope you counted some of your own blessings today!


  1. Oh how I would love to have that butt warmer. Cute pics!

  2. we enjoyed the same message in church this am... and if you look around, just a little, there are millions of things to be joyful about!!!! love reading your blog....

  3. Your blog is always interesting and has a message. Mary G.

  4. The girls are so sweet. Luv the pics. Have a great week.


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