Monday, January 31, 2011

A Rough Night

National Weather Service Issues Blizzard Warning, wait, let me say that one more time:

National Weather Service Issues Blizzard Warning

I actually don't remember ever seeing this before in my life, at least, that I can remember. 

To all my friends in Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, and on the east coast and southeast, good luck tonight and tomorrow and Wednesday.  

More tomorrow.
We are battening down the hatches tonight.


  1. We`re as ready as we can be here in PA. We didn`t get the blizzard warning, just a winter storm warning. Alread have about 3 inches and it is snowing hard!

  2. Ya'll must be sending this down here to MS for us. It's suppose to drop from 57 this AM to 27 tonight. And a possibility of freezing snow and a high of 31 on Saturday.

    Thanks, but no thanks we don't want it.

    p.s.: we are suppose to get some really bad wind and rain in here this morning and this afternoon....

  3. Welcome to the land of OZ!
    They called it the "The Blizzard of OZ" on the news this morning!
    Another snow day for me and now we are into owing l day to the district. :(

    Stay warm and safe!


  4. we're supposed to get .75 inches of ice overnight!

    Stay safe and warm!

  5. Stay cozy, Mary. We're as ready as we can be...plenty of coffee, milk, juice, bread, and a package of Duncan Hines brownie mix to boot.


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