Sunday, March 21, 2010

Winter Comes Back - on the First Day of Spring

Winter is back, on the first official day of spring.  All the garden dreams are put on the back burner for a few days, while we wait for seven inches of snow to melt.  This morning, instead of getting to church, I spent an hour shoveling out the top of the driveway so we could get the gate open.  I had to get the winter chore coat out again, the gloves, and the ski hat.  It was hard, yesterday, trudging around in the blowing snow and cold, carrying the hay and feed buckets.

It was such a sad week at Calamity Acres, we lost Adeline, and it was not just the loss of a little dog, but a true friend who comforted and protected us.  We lost Yankee, our nine months old cria, who didn't recover after his gelding on Monday.  He had the most beautiful wool, cinnamon colored, and though llamas aren't cuddly, Yankee would come up to me and touch noses with me.  He was a very sweet llama boy.  On Thursday, we lost Little Brownie, one of the two last daughters of Old Rambo that we had left.  Then that evening, a new little yellow chick was dead in the little henhouse.  It was just too hard. 

1 comment:

  1. Mary Ann,
    I know you have had such a hard time of it lately and I want you to know that I keep you in my thoughts and always near my heart. You are someone who thinks the same way I do of our animals. They are a part of us....a part of family and when we lose one, no matter how big or small, the loss is deep. I love you, MA. Hang in there. It will all seem a little bit better when the sun is shining.


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